
Why a newsletter? Times change! After seven years of (essentially) daily posting on Instagram and finding a remarkable and warm audience there, Instagram itself seems to simply…not work as well as it once had. This project was always an odd fit there, admittedly – pictures of old books accompanied by long captions – but it worked for a while. Now, with an ever more aggressively video-centric algorithm and, I suspect, a diminishing audience for photos of RPG books on the platform, even tried-and-true posts about D&D books get swallowed by the abyss. This evokes a particularly stupid kind of stress in me and I think it is time to move on.

The Instagram account isn’t going away and daily posts will continue for at least the rest of this year, but I’m shifting focus: the primary venue for the posts will be right here. They look good on the site! Actual paragraph breaks and bigger, zoomable, uncompressed art. And to remind you to come looking, a weekly newsletter is the best way to highlight the posts, the podcast and some other things I think you’ll dig — you can check them out in the archive, even. We’re slightly retro people, I think, so look at this as a return to an older type of internet: sign on up and see where it goes! Maybe I’ll do a web ring next.