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Thieves’ World

Back alleys and dark deeds await in Thieves’ World! In the latest episode of the Vintage RPG Podcast this week, we look at Robert Lynn Asprin and Lynn Abbey’s gritty, shared-world fantasy anthology series, the Tim Sale graphic novel adaptations and the magical moment in roleplaying history when Chaosium convinced the designers behind all the major RPGs (including Traveller!?) to collaborate on their Thieves’ World box set. It was a glorious moment, and all to brief.

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New discount code from our friends at Noble Knight! In honor of the season, use HORROR at checkout in store or online for %10 off orders over $10. This one runs from October 12 through November 11 (Halloween is year round, honestly). Buy yourself something spooky.Hang out with us on the Vintage RPG Discord!If  you dig what we do, join us on the Vintage RPG Patreon for more roleplaying fun and surprises! Patrons keep us going!Like, Rate, Subscribe and Review the Vintage RPG Podcast!Available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube and your favorite podcast clients.Send questions, comments or corrections to [email protected].Follow Vintage RPG on InstagramTumblr and Facebook. Learn more at the Vintage RPG FAQ.Follow Stu HorvathJohn McGuireVintageRPG and Unwinnable on Twitter.Intro music by George Collazo.The Vintage RPG illustration is by Shafer Brown. Follow him on Twitter.Tune in next week for the next episode. Until then, may the dice always roll in your favor!

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