
The Haunting of Alan Mais (1968)

The Guardians series of novels by Peter Saxon (not a real person – Saxon was a house name that several authors wrote under) isn’t in Appendix N, but The Haunting of Alan Mais (1968) has a great cover painting by Jeffrey Catherine Jones so I figured why not?

The Guardians books are actually good fun for folks running supernatural RPGs like Chill, Unknown Armies or even Call of Cthulhu. The books center on a group of paranormal investigators determined to battle evil wherever they find it, very much in the spirit of Dennis Wheatley’s occult thrillers, but much more lurid and tawdry (it was the late 60s, after all!).

This is the third volume in a series of six and involves a not all together sensical haunting and possession and bodice-ripping. OK, so, not the greatest. But man, that cover!

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