My first brief, mostly failed attempt at painting miniatures back circa 1991 centered on RAFM’s line of Call of Cthulhu miniatures. I got a handful of them from my local comic shop (RIP Infinity Comics) and used Testors model paints. Most of the results are now lost (RIP Dark Young, Nightgaunt, Cthonian) but honestly, no […]

Chaos lurks just under the surface. This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we talk about the Enemy Within campaign for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. We recap the original version, theorize where it went off the rails, enthuse over Cubicle 7’s five-volume remaster and discuss the perils of satire. 

Let’s look at some miniatures this week! First up, this is Ral Partha, the evil wizard. To my knowledge, this was the first miniature produced by Ral Partha Enterprises. He isn’t technically named Ral Partha, he’s 01-001 Evil Wizard, Casting Spell (1975), but he represents Tom Winkler’s character, after whom the company was named. The […]

Dragon 80 (December, 1983). The fifth Caldwell cover of 1983. This one often gets singled out as the start of an increasing focus on cleavage and such to appeal to an adolescent audience and sell them more D&D products (which, at least in the context of Dragon Magazine, I don’t think was the rampant plague […]

This is the Bullwinkle and Rocky Role-Playing Party Game (1988). Yes, this is a real RPG that exists. The cheerful orange box is packed with doo-dads — spinners for resolution, big fold-up character cards, novelty diplomas as rewards for winning (from Wossamotta U for heroes and the Ukranian Safe-Cracking Academy of Pottsylvania for villains) and […]