Buckle up! This is GURPS Time Travel (the revised second edition from 1995). Before we dig in though, let us pause and appreciate that magnificent cover painting by John Zeleznik. Triceratops vs. Future Man. I would hang that next to Charles Knight’s Triceratops vs. T-Rex, I kid you not. Moving on. GURPS Time Travel is […]

Orclsayer (1985) is where the pre-release of the GURPS combat system of Man-to-Man suddenly feels perilous to me. It is branded as a GURPS product, but also as “a combat supplement for Man to Man,” as if M2M was it’s own thing. Glad they got the branding sorted out before it became a real confusing […]

There was a brief moment when, like Fantasy Trip before it, GURPS did not exist in a handy dandy box set. This is Man to Man (1985), which is the combat rules for GURPS that came out ahead of GURPS (specifically for that year’s Origins). This isn’t exactly an open playtest or pre-release, but it […]

This week, GURPS! This is the second edition GURPS box set (1987, though aside of an errata sheet, some updated skills and blue ink on the booklet covers, there is no real distinction between the second and first editions). I’ve played third edition GURPS off and on since the early 90s and some part of […]